焦虑+ 2018-10-17 14:45:00.0-2018-10-17 15:25:00.0|2018-10-17 14:45:00.0
杨炯纬 Willy Yang360商业化销售副总裁
张旻翚 Philip Zhang世界级黑客/360 天马安全团队负责人
柴坤哲 Sweeper Chai群邑集团搜索营销董事总经理
许宏伟 Elvis Xu资深电竞人/5E对战平台&TYLOO俱乐部董事长
徐斌 Jason Xu
“你焦虑吗?”相信大多数人会不假思索地点头。造成焦虑的原因究竟是什么?是人们应接不暇的信息亦或家庭事业的重担,还是企业无法捕捉的用户和不断下降的增长效率?对于营销而言,我们又能从焦虑中获得什么启示? 360作为国内领先的互联网安全公司,将在2018金投赏和大家共同探讨,如何通过智能和创新驱逐焦虑,守护企业和人们的安全感!
”Feeling anxious?” Many would nod. But what are the reasons behind? Many blame information explosion, family pressure, career stress etc. For you, it might be the uncatchable users and diminishing growth efficiency. What can marketers learn from these anxieties? As the leading Internet security company in China ,360 experts will share their insights on how to expel anxiety with intelligence and innovation to guard our sense of security. See you at the 2018 ROI Festival!
本场ppt下载: http://roiresearch.storage.comocloud.net/roiresearch/2018/10/17/201810178171809abba20.zip