全场景零售下的营销模式变革 2019-10-16 17:00:00.0-2019-10-16 17:40:00.0|2019-10-16 17:00:00.0

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3-11 苏宁易购 全场景零售下的营销模式变革.pdf


苏宁易购,中国领先的O2O智慧零售商,面对互联网、物联网、大数据时代,持续推进智慧零售和线上线下融合战略,全品类经营、全渠道运营、全球化拓展,开放物流云、数据云和金融云,通过门店端、PC端、移动端和电视端的多端协同,实现无处不在的一站式服务体验。 2018年,苏宁易购再次位列《财富》全球500强之列,并且在2018年《中国500最具价值品牌》中,以2306.28亿元的品牌价值位列品牌榜第13名,稳居零售业第一位。 经过29年的发展,苏宁通过推动门店的互联网改造、线上平台和移动端的快速发展和OTT市场的广泛覆盖,实现全渠道布局。线下智慧门店覆盖海内外600多个城市,拥有苏宁易购广场、苏宁小店、苏宁易购零售云县镇店、苏鲜生、苏宁红孩子、苏宁极物、苏宁汽车超市等业态,截至2019年6月底,各类创新互联网门店及网点12000多家,稳居国内线下连锁前列;线上互联网通过自营、开放、跨平台运营稳居中国B2C市场前三;公司零售会员总数达4.07亿。

Suning.com is a leading O2O smart retail in China. Facing the era of Internet,Internet of Things, and Big Data, Suning.com continuously promotes the smart retail and O2O integration strategy, carries out full-category operation,multi-channel operation and global development, opens logistics cloud, data cloud and financial cloud, and realizes one-stop service experience anytime through the multiple user interfaces coordination of POS terminal, PC terminal, mobile terminal and OTT terminal. In 2018, Suning.com ranked among the Fortune Global 500 once again. Among China Top 500 Valuable Brands in 2018,Suning.com ranked the 13th place for its brand value of RMB230.628 billion, and stably ranked the top 1 in the retailing industry. After 29 years of growth and development, Suning has established an omni-channel network by promoting the Internet-oriented reconstruction of stores, the rapid development of online and mobile platforms and extensive OTT coverage. With a presence in more than 600 cities both at home and abroad, Suning offline smart stores include Suning.com Plaza, Suning CVS,Suning Cloud County Store, SuFresh, Redbaby, Jiwu and Suning Motor Store. By the end of June 2019,Suning had more than 12,000 innovation Internet stores and outlets, ranking the top in the domestic offline chain, and its online platform now ranks 3rd in China's B2C market through self-management, open platform and cross-platform operations. Suning.com membership has reached 407 million.