搭技术红利 享高效营销 2019-10-14 14:45:00.0-2019-10-14 15:25:00.0|2019-10-14 14:45:00.0

  • 易车副总裁

  • 易车营销策略副总经理

  • 秒针营销科学家

  • 新意互动联席总裁

  • 华人运通市场传播高级总监


易车AI营销,充分运用历史垂直数据,全面吸纳品牌焕新后更加丰富的人群标签,打造汽车数字营销进阶解决方案。通过AI智能广告、AI智能内容生成、AI智能电商推荐以及AI智能落地体验四种手段,全面触达消费者购车各个营销阶段,是易车依托技术打造从关注阶段到购买阶段的全流程智能解决方案。 蔚来ES8,作为首个在易车运用此方案的客户,在春节流量洼地期间,获得了充分的流量关注和订单转化,订单支付率近7成,并实现了多台直接购买的累累战果。




易车公司成立于2000年,于2010年在美国纽交所正式挂牌上市, 股票代码:BITA。作为中国领先的汽车互联网企业,易车公司为中国汽车用户提供专业、丰富的互联网资讯和导购服务,并为汽车厂商和汽车经销商提供卓有成效的互联网营销解决方案。 深耕汽车行业十余载,易车公司以“专业、合作、创新”的冠军车队文化为共同价值观,不断强化对用户的连接,提升用户在选车、购车、用车和换车过程中的全程体验,让用户“趣分享 我的车”,畅享更简单、更精彩的汽车生活。 当前,易车正全速进入“连接用户,提升体验”的3.0时代,深入布局、发展大数据和AI业务,以大数据和AI整合产品和服务,深度赋能汽车产业链,提高易车的内容、产品和服务在连接用户、客户过程中的效率,不断完善服务汽车全产业链的能力,继续在移动互联网与人工智能时代引领汽车互联网行业。

Bitauto Holdings Limited (NYSE: BITA) is a leading provider of internet content & marketing services, and transaction services for China's fast-growing automotive industry. Bitauto’s business consists of three segments: advertising and subscription business, transaction services business and digital marketing solutions business.Bitauto's advertising and subscription business provides a variety of advertising services to automakers through the bitauto.com website and corresponding mobile apps which provide consumers with up-to-date automobile pricing and promotional information, specifications, reviews and consumer feedback. Bitauto also provides transaction-focused online advertisements and services for promotional activities to its business partners, including automakers, automobile dealers, auto finance partners and insurance companies. Bitauto offers subscription services via its SaaS platform, which provides web-based and mobile-based integrated digital marketing solutions to new car automobile dealers in China. The SaaS platform enables automobile dealer subscribers to create their own online showrooms, list pricing and promotional information, provide automobile dealer contact information, place advertisements and manage customer relationships to help them reach a broad set of purchase-minded customers and effectively market their automobiles to consumers online.Bitauto's transaction services business is primarily conducted by its controlled subsidiary, Yixin Group Limited (SEHK: 2858), a leading online automobile finance transaction platform in China, which provides transaction platform services as well as self-operated financing services.Bitauto's digital marketing solutions business provides automakers with one-stop digital marketing solutions, including website creation and maintenance, online public relations, online marketing campaigns, advertising agent services, big data applications and digital image creation.