Exploring the new power of Growth-JD Marketing 360 2019-10-16 14:45:00.0-2019-10-16 15:25:00.0|2019-10-16 14:45:00.0
Theme elaboration
Since the traffic bonus decline gradually, variety of merchant from the ecommerce suffering to the increment of sale for the last year. There has been no more chances for the traditional brand marketing methods because of the market saturation/media fragmentation and the flow shrink, and due to the relationship of CUSTOMER/PRODUCT/LOCATION, we lunched a creative methodology called JD MARKETING 360 for the solving the dilemma. Now we will share some results at the ROI stage, and also hold a panel with marketing partners to discussing how to empower brand and ecommerce sustainable with JD MARKETING 360.
Company profile
JD.com is China’s largest online retailer and its biggest overall retailer, as well as the country’s biggest Internet company by revenue,and the First internet company to make the Fortune Global 500 list.