How the practice of empathy unlocks creativity & leads to better business outcomes 2019-10-14 13:15:00.0-2019-10-14 13:55:00.0|2019-10-14 13:15:00.0
Theme elaboration
Today, all we talk about is data. Data fueled. Data-driven, Data powered. In this session, OMD shares their insights on how their commitment to understanding the warmer side of data consistently provides the inspiration and creativity to craft more valued and valuable experiences that lead to better business outcomes.
Company profile
OMD is the world’s largest media network with more than 12,000 people working in over 100 countries. As the world grows with opportunities, the key is reacting to them, by making better decisions, faster - combining innovation, creativity, empathy and evidence to help them move faster, reach further and take smarter risks every day.