影响力营销 - Social First 2018-10-15 14:00:00.0-2018-10-15 14:40:00.0|2018-10-15 14:00:00.0
张一山阿里妈妈 云营销业务部总经理
拓宇蚂蚁金服支付宝 市场国际负责人
张瑞OLAY 大中华区品牌总经理
“社交+”的时代已经来临,社交已不仅是品牌营销传播的关键,更上升到了企业战略管理的高度。无论是研发生产、市场营销还是销售服务,微博致力于以“Social First”的理念服务企业,让社交渗透到品牌的全价值链。微博作为一个开放式的广场型媒体,具有强大的热点聚合力、基于兴趣与社交关系的内容传播力、涟漪式的群体共振力,帮助企业引爆社交的核能。微博作为企业的命运共同体,助力持续地释放价值以及最大化提升企业的影响力。
As the Social Domain Era has already come, social media becomes a very instrumental part to brand marketing and involves into enterprises management strategy as well. During corporate R&D, product promotion and sales sections, Weibo always serves enterprises with the perception of Social First, penetrating social elements into brands’ whole value. Being an open square-like media, Weibo has three unique marketing values. The first value is Weibo can integrate hotspots with a great level of effectiveness. The second value is Weibo has the capability of communicating function based on interests and social relationships. The third value is Weibo can create a massively syntonic impact within this platform. By the unique marketing features, Weibo is able to maximize brands social value and boost their corporate influence.
本场ppt下载: http://roiresearch.storage.comocloud.net/roiresearch/2018/10/15/2018101501530f2e742ee.zip