让数据释放商业潜能 2018-10-18 17:45:00.0-2018-10-18 18:25:00.0|2018-10-18 17:45:00.0
全新的零售时代已经到来,面对新人类、新场景、新内容、新产品、新渠道、新媒体、新模式,需求正被无极细分,场景正在随时切换,传统的“人货场”概念正在被重构和升级。如何提升营销效率,成为企业亟待解决的关键问题。 通过尼尔森大数据的量化和联接,营销过程可以成为一个可测量、可追踪、可分析和可改进的过程,大数据驱动营销效能迭代式持续提升:1)高效广告投放,量化全链路效果,提升投放效率,追踪消费者线上从“看”到“买”全链路触点的每一步。2)高效渠道管理,克服全景模糊及人货场分离难题,通过全景商业视图,提升渠道管理效率。 大数据正创造无限可能,精准人群画像,打通线上和线下的数据界限,从而实现品效合一,全面布局零售生态升级。
The era of new retail has arrived, and with it has come new types of consumers, new market landscapes, new products, new channels, new media and new business models. Consumer demand is experiencing continuous change and increased fragmentation. Traditional marketing approaches are no longer sufficient. Optimization of marketing effectiveness is now of paramount importance for brand owners looking to win the digital battle. Nielsen leverages the power of Big Data to ensure marketing processes are effectively measured, analyzed and ultimately, improved. By analyzing the consumer shopping journey from the initial ad impression to the final purchase decision, Nielsen connects today’s fragmented digital landscape to drive marketing effectiveness, advertising efficiency and channel management. Big data is making the impossible possible by creating accurate consumer portraits, integrating online and offline channels, revealing branding and sales opportunities, as well as connecting the new retail landscape.
本场ppt下载: http://roiresearch.storage.comocloud.net/roiresearch/2018/10/18/2018101895745f124667e.zip