智能营销—品效增长新引擎 2018-10-17 17:45:00.0-2018-10-17 18:25:00.0|2018-10-17 17:45:00.0
博视得中国 CEO
高静TCL 广告及娱乐营销总监
在中国,随着科技的发展,内容的形式以及消费者在碎片化信息市场下的需求瞬息万变,营销变化的速度和热度远超于全球任何地方。而站在新智能营销的时代,只有行业的远见者才能描绘出这个颠覆性的新时代营销。 作为户外行业的前瞻者,博视得中国将在本次大会上携手其服务客户腾讯互娱、TCL以及饿了么一同分享如何透过户外场景创意和智能营销帮助客户达成业务增长,并且在国际化战略的大趋势下,如何将中国企业国际化推向新的高度,以提升其国际知名度和影响力。
In China, with the explosion of disruptive technologies,content and the rapid changes of consumer demand in this fragmented market, the speed and the intensity of marketing change are far greater than anywhere else in the world. Standing in the era of new intelligence marketing, only industry visionaries can describe this subversive new era of marketing. Together with its clients Tencent Interactive Entertainment, TCL and ele.me, Posterscope china, the pioneerer in the OOH industry, will conduct a panel discussion on how to help brands achieve business growth through OOH innovation and intelligent marketing. They will also look into how to assist the Chinese enterprises to enhance their brand awareness and reputation on a global scale.
本场ppt下载: http://roiresearch.storage.comocloud.net/roiresearch/2018/10/17/201810179337c01de1cc.zip