颠覆惯性思维 创新营销准则 2018-10-17 11:00:00.0-2018-10-17 11:40:00.0|2018-10-17 11:00:00.0
营销效果该如何衡量,如何证明,这仍然是大多数CMO的困惑。当品牌营销衡量转换成消费者视角,和传统的品牌维度如何兼容。以Uni Marketing为动力,阿里巴巴和凯度携手发布全球首个全链路品牌建设KPI体系,为品牌带来了最强大脑,以颠覆未来之势,将重定义品牌建设标准。作为阿里巴巴集团旗下的大数据营销平台,阿里妈妈在革新的KPI体系下,以Ad tech赋能全域传播,全量消费者实现全触点连接,贯穿品牌消费者的AIPL全链路运营,实现消费者资产全量累积,让营销投入真正成为可累计、可持续管理的投资。
Marketers are still finding it challenging to measure and verify marketing effectiveness. When evaluating brand marketing has been transformed into a consumer perspective, how is it compatible with conventional brand measurement? Empowered by Uni Marketing,Alibaba and Kantar has co-created an integrated “insight-to-activation” solution,which will redefine brand building KPIs,bringing roadmap for brand growth. As a data tech marketing platform , Alimama will present a suite of marketing solutions that operates under the new KPIs system, digitizing consumer touch points based on a sizeable Uni-ID infrastructure and making AIPL consumer journey visible, actionable, and measurable. Investing on consumer asset will turn marketing expense into sustainable investment.