营销的变革与升级 2018-10-16 13:15:00.0-2018-10-16 13:55:00.0|2018-10-16 13:15:00.0

  • 蓝标传媒ceo
    潘飞 PanFei

  • 奥利奥中国高级市场经理
    陶莉 Lillian Tao

  • Facebook 大中华区渠道业务总经理
    黄纬贤 Andrew Wong

  • 字节跳动营销中心总经理
    陈都烨 Corinna

  • 蓝标传媒出海业务总经理
    李姣 Jiao Li



Marketing has gone through an era driven entirely by experience. Artificial intelligence and technological innovation constantly challenge the knowledge reserve of marketers. In order to create more value for customers, marketing practitioners must have strong evolutionary ability, keep iterating and improve marketing efficiency. Blue Focus insists on taking professional services and technological innovation as the engines to explore and practice intelligent marketing driven by technology, data, service and resources.
